Writing good commit comments

From: Chris Kasso <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:51:31 -0800


A quick note that we need to do a better job writing commit comments.
Commit comments are used in many ways by many people including by other
developers who are trying to track down the source of a new bug.

While including the issue number is useful for historical purposes that
level of indirection is not helpful when we run:

  svn log -r NNNNN:MMMMM

and try to scan for a particular change or see the commit via

In your commit comments please include:

* What you fixed, added or removed (make it clear why the change was made)
* The bug/issue number
* Extra credit: any other information you feel is useful (e.g. how it
  was fixed, testing done, what's left to do, concerns, etc)
* Approver and Reviewer - during the 3.1 Change Control period you must
  indicate who approved the change and who reviewed the code.

There is lots of info out there on the subject:
