GlassFish 3.1 Bug Swat Meeting

From: Chris Kasso <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 15:54:25 -0800


We will be having a Bug Swat meeting tomorrow. We will be reviewing the
P1-3 issues on this query:

(note the query now also contains issues which have previously
been approved but have not been resolved yet.)

Here are the meeting details:

Wednesday 9AM PST
Access code: 563 2312
Security code: 1111

If you have provided me status in the last couple of days you do not need
to attend (e.g. Admin i-team, Nazrul's staff meeting, etc).

If you have not provided status on your issue(s) recently you have a few

* Attend the BugSwat meeting to provide status on the issue(s) you own.

-- or --

* Prior to the BugSwat meeting send email to Chris with status on the
  issue(s) you own.

-- or --

* Clear the issue from the release by closing it, reducing the priority,
  excluding it, etc.

What kind of status am I looking for?

        - When will the issue be scrubbed or fixed (for approved issues)?
        - When will you submit a change request (if that is appropriate)
        - Is there anything blocking this issue from being fixed?
        - Is there anything waiting on this issue to be fixed?

Note that the query now contains issues that have previously been approved
but are still open. With the release candidate build just around the
corner we need to ensure the approved issues are on target to be fixed
in time for the RC build.
