Mac only problem with annotation scanning in WAB? (was: Re: pom.xml review request: integrate JSF 2.1.0-b10)

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 21:09:59 -0800

>>>>> On Fri, 07 Jan 2011 09:32:12 +0530, Sahoo <> said:

EB> Do you see "foo"?

SS> I see "bean: bar" as shown in the screenshot I attached to JIRA. I think
SS> "bar" is the correct output.

Ah, yes, it is.

Sahoo and I spoke on Skype and I tried it on Solaris X64 with JDK 6u23.
It worked there! It also worked for Sahoo on GNU/Linux Ubuntu.
However, it does *not* work on Mac OS X 10.6.6 JDK 6u22.

Can someone else with a Mac please try the latest GlassFish 3.1 with the from

Unzip the, cd to i_11636_reproducer and do mvn
install. cp maven-module-that-makes-wab/target/Test1-0.0.2.war to your
autodeploy/bundles directory, then visit
<http://adc2110030:8080/test/>. You should see "bean: bar".
If you just see "bean:" the annotation was not scanned and you are
observing the same problem I am.

Sahoo and I will touch base tomorrow morning and hopefully we can get
this integrated.


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