Re: [Bug] NameNotFoundException is occured when use the relative path to lookup

From: Meng XiaoLong <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 13:14:52 +0800

> Which version of GlassFish? From the stacktrace, it looks like v2.x.
> Naming code has changed significantly since v2. Could you also try it
> with the latest GlassFish builds?
The version of GlassFish is V2.1.1.
I do not test with the latest GlassFish builds.

> Please create an issue in glassfish jira
> ( ) with a complete test
> app.
> I couldn't find the test ejb classes in your previous attachment.
Sorry for the wrong attachment.
The correct file is the attachment of this mail.
Client Test Application:
EJB Application: Jndi02.jar

Best Regard,
Meng XiaoLong

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Bug] NameNotFoundException is occured when use the
relative path to lookup
From: Cheng Fang <>
Date: 2010年12月28日 11:41:38

> Which version of GlassFish? From the stacktrace, it looks like v2.x.
> Naming code has changed significantly since v2. Could you also try it
> with the latest GlassFish builds?
> Please create an issue in glassfish jira
> ( ) with a complete test app.
> I couldn't find the test ejb classes in your previous attachment.
> Thanks,
> -cheng
> On 12/23/10 12:55 AM, Meng XiaoLong wrote:
>> GlassFish Dev Team,
>> Hello everybody.
>> Sorry for interrupting you.
>> I am from Fujitsu China. I found a bug when I test JNDI Service's
>> lookup method.
>> #Scene 1 [NameNotFoundException occured]
>> ==========================================================
>> Specify 'endpoints' property in client application, then use the
>> relative path to lookup EJB application. when execute the 2nd lookup
>> method, NameNotFoundException is throwed.
>> client source:
>> ----------src start-----------
>> System.setProperty("com.sun.appserv.iiop.endpoints", "localhost:3700");
>> System.out.println("==========>start: ");
>> Context ctx = new InitialContext();
>> System.out.println("begin: ");
>> WorkerRemote wr = null;
>> Context ctx2 = (Context) ctx.lookup("ejb");
>> wr = (WorkerRemote) ctx2.lookup("worker01"); //NameNotFoundException
>> // wr = (WorkerRemote) ctx.lookup("ejb/worker01");
>> System.out.println(;
>> ----------src end-----------
>> ===Exception info===
>> Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb not
>> found
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.resolveContext(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.lookup(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext.lookup(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContextProviderImpl.lookup(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.naming.RemoteSerialContextProviderImpl.lookup(
>> ==========================================================
>> #Scene 2 [NameNotFoundException is not occurred]
>> ==========================================================
>> Do not specify 'endpoints' property in client application, use the
>> relative path to lookup EJB application. In this scene, can lookup the
>> object correctly without NameNotFoundException.
>> client source:
>> ----------src start-----------
>> System.out.println("==========>start: ");
>> Context ctx = new InitialContext();
>> System.out.println("begin: ");
>> WorkerRemote wr = null;
>> Context ctx2 = (Context) ctx.lookup("ejb");
>> wr = (WorkerRemote) ctx2.lookup("worker01");
>> // wr = (WorkerRemote) ctx.lookup("ejb/worker01");
>> System.out.println(; 
>> ----------src end-----------
>> ==========================================================
>> About client source and EJB application, Please refer to the attached
>> file.
>> ==howto fix==
>> In SerialContext class's lookup method, before
>> javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(), executing
>> resetSticky().
>> ---
>> if(obj instanceof Context) {
>> resetSticky();
>> return new SerialContext(name, myEnv);
>> }
>> resetSticky(); //fix the problem.
>> Object retObj =
>> javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(obj,
>> new CompositeName(name),
>> null, myEnv);
>> return retObj;
>> ---
>> However, I donot know whether this can really fix the problem.
>> Can Anybody answer me the following 2 questions?
>> Question 1: the purpose of stickyContext.
>> Question 2: If I changed the processing order whether this can really
>> fix the problem?
>> ---
>> resetSticky(); //fix the problem.
>> Object retObj =
>> javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getObjectInstance(obj,
>> new CompositeName(name),
>> null, myEnv);
>> return retObj;
>> ---
>> Best Regard.
>> Meng XiaoLong