Re: websockets in glassfish broken?

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 10:13:05 -0500

I've heard from several folks experiencing that problem but I just
haven't had time to run it down. Websockets still figure pretty low on
the priority scale for now but I'm trying to get back around to it soon.

On 11/7/10 7:30 AM, Bhavanishankar wrote:
> Following the youtube demo of websockets in glassfish
> <>, I downloaded the chat
> source
> <>,
> built it and deployed on the latest 3.1-SNAPSHOT of GlassFish.
> But when I access localhost:8080/grizzly-websockets-chat and login as
> "Bhavani", it shows:* Bhavani: has left the chat
> *I also tried creating WebSocket via a simple html:
> <script>
> ws = new
> WebSocket("ws://");
> ws.onclose = function()
> {
> alert("socket closed");
> };
> </script>
> and I always see "socket closed"
> *Am I missing something?
> PS: I tried with different browsers (chrome, opera -- all latest
> versions which support websockets), and also tried switching
> grizzly-http-servlet versions 1.9.21, 1.9.20 in my pom.xml, but
> nothing seems to help.
> Thanks,
> Bhavani.
> *