Re: Help? NetBeans is FREAKING out

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 17:32:23 -0800

Usually restarting NetBeans fixes these sorts of problems for me.
If that doesn't do it, it's probably time to wipe out the NetBeans
cache in ~/.netbeans/<version>/var/cache.

Byron Nevins wrote on 11/12/10 05:10 PM:
> NetBeans has been working perfectly with dozens of GF projects open for months
> and months.
> I wiped out my repo, went to Maven 2.2.1 did a full mega build of GlassFish.
> Now almost every file in GF has a "red ball" next to it in NB, It is complaining
> about, for instance, variable argumets. NetBeans says that Java 1.3 doesn't
> support it. I should switch to "-source 1.5"
> Isnt the source level set in the main GlassFish pom? I didn't change ANYTHING?!?
> How can I fix this?
> Any help or tips will be appreciated!