Are you upgrading a cluster that has an admin password.
GF 3.1 clustering doesn't work yet for domains that have admin
passwords. We are waiting for the secure admin feature to be completed
for that.
On 10/12/2010 12:39 PM, Bobby Bissett wrote:
> Hi all,
> With a patch from Marina for issue 13878, I can upgrade a v2.1.1 cluster, bring up the instances, and see the deployed web app running in the instances. There are no errors in the instance logs, and GMS thinks they're up:
> hostname% ./asadmin get-health cluster1
> instance1 started since Tue Oct 12 12:46:01 EDT 2010
> instance2 started since Tue Oct 12 12:48:38 EDT 2010
> But list-instances shows them down and the admin console shows them as not started:
> hostname% ./asadmin list-instances --long cluster1
> instance1 hostname.local 38080 cluster1 not running
> instance2 hostname.local 38081 cluster1 not running
> How does list-instances get that information? Since the DAS thinks they're down, I can't run 'stop-local-instance' to stop them:
> hostname% ./asadmin stop-local-instance instance1
> It appears that server [localhost:38181] accepts secure connections only.
> Retrying the command with --secure=true...
> CLI1306 Warning - server instance is not running.
> Command stop-local-instance executed successfully.
> Oddly, I get a different error with stop-cluster:
> ------
> [#|2010-10-12T13:38:45.423-0400|SEVERE|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=98;_ThreadName=http-thread-pool-4848(5);|instance2: Error trying to stop the instance named instance2 : Authentication failed for user: admin (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)|#]
> [#|2010-10-12T13:38:45.426-0400|SEVERE|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=98;_ThreadName=http-thread-pool-4848(5);|instance1: Error trying to stop the instance named instance1 : Authentication failed for user: admin (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)|#]
> remote failure: instance2: Error trying to stop the instance named instance2 : Authentication failed for user: admin (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
> instance1: Error trying to stop the instance named instance1 : Authentication failed for user: admin (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password)
> The command stop-instance failed for: instance2 instance1
> -----
> Thanks,
> Bobby
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