Re: quicklook failure

From: Jane Young <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 13:16:02 -0700

If you know which artifact is causing the QL/build failure, you can
delete just that artifact instead of removing the entire .m2 directory.
However, it's not obvious which artifact is causing the failure and
Maven's output is not helpful either.

On 10/26/10 1:00 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> Removing the .m2 directory allowed it to build successfully.
> I hate it when that happens! Fortunately, it's been such a rare
> problem these days that I don't do it until I'm desperate.
> Bill Shannon wrote on 10/26/10 11:50 AM:
>> I build with clean all the time.
>> My MacOS build is now failing just like my Solaris build, complaining
>> about port 7676 not being free. I suspect the test code isn't shutting
>> down something properly. Possibly there's a race condition that causes
>> the shutdown to fail?
>> Jane Young wrote on 10/26/10 05:28 AM:
>>> Can you try building with the "clean" goal and rerun QL?
>>> On 10/25/10 5:17 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>>> Quicklook has been failing for me all day. It looks like the problems
>>>> start here:
>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>> [testng] admincli_tests
>>>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>> [testng]
>>>> [testng] Oct 25, 2010 5:05:03 PM com.sun.logging.LogDomains$1 log
>>>> [testng] INFO: Cannot find javadb client jar file, derby jdbc
>>>> driver will not
>>>> be available by default.
>>>> [testng] AMXTestBase: Exception in setting up env. =
>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to retrieve
>>>> RMIServer
>>>> stub: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jmxrmi
>>>> [testng] Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub:
>>>> javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jmxrmi
>>>> [testng] at
>>>> [testng] at
>>>> [testng] at
>>>> [testng] at
>>>> amxtest.AMXTestBase._getMBeanServerConnection(
>>>> [testng] at amxtest.AMXTestBase.setup(
>>>> ...
>>>> Anyone else seeing this?
>>>> Note that I updated my MBP with the latest Java update, which I
>>>> understand
>>>> has renamed some things. Is it possible that's the cause of the javadb
>>>> problem above, and everything just goes downhill from there?
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