Re: list-persistence-types

From: Joseph Fialli <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 16:59:48 -0400

On 10/19/10 4:40 PM, Rebecca Parks wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> This command should also list the
> ejb-container-availability.ha-persistence-type value, the default of
> which is replicated.
ha-persistence-type is deprecated. That has to do with hadb, which is
not in v3.1, only v2.

The list-persistence-type command is currently listing the registered
persistence types of replicated and replication.
In the future, it will also have "file" I believe. But Mahesh is person
to consult on this.

> By the way, I'll be the one doc'ing it.
> Rebecca
> On 10/14/10 08:13 AM, Joseph Fialli wrote:
>> Comment inline below.
>> On 10/13/10 3:56 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>> Joseph Fialli wrote on 10/13/10 10:36 AM:
>>>> I need to implement a hidden CLI for the following gf issue.
>>> Are the values that will be returned by this command also values that
>>> can be specified for another (non-hidden) command? If so, there's no
>>> reason for this command to be hidden.
>>> list-persistence-types --type web|ejb
>> These values would be legal values to following properties that can
>> be set via "asadmin set" command.
>> configs.config.default-config.availability-service.web-container-availability.persistence-type=replicated
>> configs.config.default-config.availability-service.ejb-container-availability.sfsb-persistence-type=file
>> configs.config.myCluster-config.availability-service.web-container-availability.persistence-type=replicated
>> configs.config.myCluster-config.availability-service.ejb-container-availability.sfsb-persistence-type=file
>> So I will not make this command a hidden CLI.
>> -Joe
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