GlassFish Party at JavaOne 2010

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 2010 15:57:49 -0700

The GlassFish party is a GO. Same place as previous years: TheThirstyBear.

This will be after the community event but you can attend each one
independently. We do ask for RSVP at [1] (URL moved a bit).

Please share this around.

   - eduard/o


On 8/2/10 3:40 PM, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> We recently secured access to a room in Moscone West for a GlassFish
> unconference and/or community event in the spirit of those done in the
> last few years (2008, 2009).
> The event would be the Sunday before JavaOne (Sept 19th) in the afternoon.
> Other details are still all TBD, but first step would be to see if there
> is enough interest to host this, so please sign up in the table below,
> with information on availability and interests. We are exploring the
> party situation :-)
> So, if you are interested in this, please go check out this page and add
> your name to it.
> Please pass the word around.
> - eduard/o