On 8/12/10 16:06, Bobby Bissett wrote:
>>> [#|2010-08-12T15:29:42.712-0400|SEVERE|glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=main;|Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.glassfish.cluster.gms-bootstrap [131]: Unable to resolve 131.0: missing requirement [131.0] package; (package=com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.core) - [131.0] package; (package=com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.core)|#]
>>> ...what does the "[131.0]" part mean?
>> The important part is 131, which is the bundle identifier, which is the number the framework assigns to the bundle when it is installed. You'll see this number if you do a "ps" in the Felix shell, for example.
> Thanks Richard. Just to make sure I'm really understanding the issue, the problem is that the gms-bootstrap module is trying to find the com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.core package and can't find it, right? If another module includes/exports that package, is there any other step that needs to happen in the gms-bootstrap module to find it? The jar containing that package is in the Class-Path metadata of gms-bootstrap.
Yes, this means the gms-bootstrap bundle has an import for the
com.sun.enterprise.ee.cms.core package, but a provider was not found.
The only thing the bundle needs to do is import the package and then it
will be given access to it.
However, due to a change in error reporting in Felix 3.0.0, this
particular error message may be misleading. If you know there is an
exporter for the missing package, then the real issue might be something
else. You should check the log for Felix resolver errors and see if it
is complaining about other missing packages and/or constraint
violations. If you don't see anything, try setting Felix' log level to 4.
As an aside, I am working on a Felix 3.0.2 release that should improve
the error reporting to fix a regression from Felix 2.0.x to avoid
misleading messages to some degree, but unfortunately it is not
completely avoidable. Hopefully, that will be out in a week or two.
-> richard
> Thanks,
> Bobby
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