Re: a hopefully simple osgi question

From: Richard S. Hall <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 16:00:17 -0400

  On 8/12/10 15:36, Bobby Bissett wrote:
> In the following error:
> [#|2010-08-12T15:29:42.712-0400|SEVERE|glassfish3.1|null|_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=main;|Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.glassfish.cluster.gms-bootstrap [131]: Unable to resolve 131.0: missing requirement [131.0] package; ( - [131.0] package; (|#]
> ...what does the "[131.0]" part mean?

The important part is 131, which is the bundle identifier, which is the
number the framework assigns to the bundle when it is installed. You'll
see this number if you do a "ps" in the Felix shell, for example.

-> richard

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