multicast validator: script or asadmin command?

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 12:30:53 -0400

Just to close on this....

We've written a tool in the shoal-gms jar that tests that multicast is
available on the nodes where instances will be running. I can
integrate it into GF either with a script in the bin directory or as
an asadmin command. Any objections to it being an asadmin command?
"asadmin validate-multicast"?

Before you answer, here's how it works: you run it on one machine and
leave it running, then run it again on another node/machine/etc (or
even another instance on the same machine). It sends out messages and
listens for messages and tells you from what hosts it has received a
message. It runs for 20 seconds by default, but there's an option to
change that. So you generally run it here, run it there, look for the
output, and ctrl-c out of it (or just wait).

That still seem like a good fit for asadmin?
