Re: config changes to a clustered instance?

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 18:34:49 -0700

  Do this and you'll see EXACTLY what you should do:

1) create a cluster with 2 instances in it.

The port inside the <config> is set to ${ASADMIN_LISTENER_PORT}

Then the config itself gives a default value like so:

<system-property name="ASADMIN_LISTENER_PORT"

And now instances override that value inside the <server> element like this:

<system-property name="ASADMIN_LISTENER_PORT"

On 8/26/2010 4:18 PM, Ken wrote:
> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>> Let me know if this is documented somewhere, but what I see is
>> confusing (at least to me).
>> If I change configuration of 1 instance in a cluster :
>> % asadmin set in1.transaction-service.tx-log-dir=/Users/mvatkina/foo
>> the change is recorded in the cluster's config in the DAS domain.xml
>> (so it would apply to all instances after restart?) and in the in1's
>> domain.xml under it's clustered-named-config. Does it mean that a
>> clustered instance have no separate configuration? If not, why does
>> the set operation succeed?
>> thanks,
>> -marina
> In many cases, the config contains a variable rather than the actual
> value, so that all nodes in
> the cluster can share the same config. The actual value of the
> variable is stored in a property
> in the instance, rather than in the config. Admin (including most of
> the internal APIs) expands
> the variables behind the scenes, unless you use a special API to get
> the raw unexpanded value.
> Is this what is happening in your case? It's how the IIOP
> configuration is handled across
> a cluster, when each instance (which may be running on the same host
> as another instance)
> typically has a different set of ports, but there is only one shared
> config, which includes iiop.
> Ken.
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Byron Nevins  -  Oracle Corporation
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188