Re: JAX-WS client memory usage

From: Marshall Pierce <>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 16:32:44 -0700

On 08/25/2010 10:39 AM, Rama Pulavarthi wrote:
> Yes, JAXBContext is threasafe. You can use UsesJAXBContextFeature on the
> client side. Please see the sample from jax-ws unit tests at

I've looked at the various constructors of UsesJAXBContextFeature, but
I'm not seeing how to accomplish the goal of reusing one JAXBRIContext
object. Should I create a UsesJAXBContextFeature that always returns the
same JAXBRIContext object? If so, where do I get the JAXBRIContext
instance to reuse?

> thanks,
> Rama Pulavarthi
> Please file an RFE.


> On 8/25/10 8:43 AM, Marshall Pierce wrote:
>> On 08/24/2010 12:30 PM, Rama Pulavarthi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Most of it might be taken by Jaxb for the creation of JAXBContext.
>>>>> The app in question is a daemon that downloads data from many
>>> different Salesforce organizations using the Partner WSDL.
>>> Do all the organizations implement the same wsdl contract? Are you
>>> creating a separate client instance to talk to each organization?
>> Yes, and yes. Actually, I create many clients per org so that multiple
>> threads can download data simultaneously.
>> One thing I was considering was to only create a few clients that
>> would be shared by every org by reconfiguring the soap headers and
>> endpoint every time they were used.
>>>>> It looks like the binding is holding on to too much data about the
>>> last request that was performed on it. (If you doubt the idle-ness of
>>> the app, this particular connection object was in the connection pool,
>>> so you may be doubly confident that this one was not in use.)
>>> Yes, the ResponseContext has the information about last invocation and
>>> it it still lying around as we don't know when we can throw away that
>>> information as the user can query the response context anytime after
>>> invocation. Unless you keep the references to these proxies, it should
>>> have been all garbage collected. Seems like you are keeping the proxy
>>> for reuse. Currently, we don't support
>>> BindingProvider.getResponseContext().clear() as its implemented as read
>>> only. We could use this api to make the runtime forget about the last
>>> invocation. Please file an issue at
>> I do keep the references around. Should I file it as an "Enhancement"?
>>> Based on your usage, you can also try reusing the JAXBContext, if it is
>>> shared by multiple services. See
>>> I think, if you reuse the JAXBContext across the different proxies you
>>> use for each organization, it should help.
>>> thanks,
>>> Rama Pulavarthi
>> Could you be more specific about how to use this on a client? I think
>> I see how to use it on a web service whose source I control, but I'm
>> generating my source with wsimport. How can I set the generated source
>> to use one JAXBContext? I'm not doing anything special with JAXB aside
>> from a customization file for wsimport to avoid class name clashes
>> from the wsdl, so as long as JAXBContext is thread safe I suppose it
>> should be fine for everything to share one instance.
>> Thanks,
>> Marshall
>>> On 08/23/2010 03:05 PM, Marshall Pierce wrote:
>>>> I'm seeing pretty high memory usage with idle JAX-WS client bindings
>>>> using 2.1.7. (I haven't upgraded to 2.2 because of the need to deploy
>>>> jars into the jvm endorsed dir.)
>>>> The app in question is a daemon that downloads data from many
>>>> different Salesforce organizations using the Partner WSDL. (Salesforce
>>>> is a multi-tenant system, so if you were to buy their service you
>>>> would be one of many orgs that reside on the same server cluster.)
>>>> Because our systems talk to many different orgs, we cache several
>>>> bindings for each org.
>>>> I have a heap dump from when the app was idle. (I abused the GC button
>>>> in jconsole until memory usage stabilized just before I took the heap
>>>> dump, and I'm pretty sure I only included live objects in the heap
>>>> dump anyway.) There were 3,056 cached bindings and the heap dump is
>>>> 5.3GB.
>>>> jhat's basic data about the heap dump is pretty telling. The first
>>>> several dozen classes in the instance count view are all
>>>> com.sun.xml.bind.v2. Here's the top of the instance count view:
>>>> 2060410 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.Name
>>>> 1825554 com.sun.istack.FinalArrayList
>>>> 1782624 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.util.QNameMap$Entry
>>>> 1489196 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.ChildLoader
>>>> 1344078 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.FieldPropertySeed
>>>> 1344078
>>>> com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeClassInfoImpl$RuntimePropertySeed
>>>> 1344078 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor$FieldReflection
>>>> 1325125 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ElementPropertyInfoImpl$1
>>>> 1325125 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeElementPropertyInfoImpl
>>>> 1325125 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeTypeRefImpl
>>>> 1113715 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.output.Encoded
>>>> 883400 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeEnumConstantImpl
>>>> 760363 com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.LeafPropertyLoader
>>>> 725667
>>>> 2 million Names seems a little excessive for a completely idle app,
>>>> even though at 39 bytes each that doesn't add up to all *that* much
>>>> memory.
>>>> One interesting thing is that the idle memory usage increases as we
>>>> increase the amount of data we get per call from Salesforce. One of
>>>> the calls (retrieve()) lets you specify the list of Ids that you want
>>>> the data for with a max of 2000 Ids. We want to use as many Ids as
>>>> possible in each call to minimize the number of API calls made since
>>>> those are metered by Salesforce. We used to use 500 per call, but
>>>> recently increased it to use fewer API calls. When we tried to
>>>> download 2000 per retrieve(), we quickly got an OOME. We're currently
>>>> using 1000 per call. That OOME (always fun on production...) is what
>>>> prompted me to start looking into JAX-WS's memory usage.
>>>> No doubt you guys will have further suggestions for tracking down the
>>>> source of the issue, but I did find one interesting thing just poking
>>>> around in jhat. The highest instance count for any clas in our package
>>>> (com.genius) was for a class that JAX-WS generated from the Partner
>>>> WSDL. It happened to be QueryAll which is used to house the SOQL (it's
>>>> like SQL but for Salesforce objects) statement passed to the queryAll
>>>> API call. The interesting part is the reference chain from the rootset
>>>> to a particular instance (chosen randomly -- other instances had
>>>> similar or identical chains).
>>>> --> com.genius.crm.sf.conn.ConnectionImpl_at_0x7f06ba6f9400 (81 bytes)
>>>> (field binding:)
>>>> --> $Proxy50_at_0x7f06ba6f95f8 (24 bytes) (field h:)
>>>> --> (128 bytes)
>>>> (field responseContext:)
>>>> --> (48 bytes)
>>>> (field packet:)
>>>> --> (145 bytes)
>>>> (field satellites:)
>>>> --> com.sun.istack.FinalArrayList_at_0x7f07478cd390 (32 bytes) (field
>>>> elementData:)
>>>> --> [Ljava.lang.Object;@0x7f07478cd3b8 (96 bytes) (Element 1 of
>>>> [Ljava.lang.Object;@0x7f07478cd3b8:)
>>>> -->
>>>> (32 bytes) (field deferedCon:)
>>>> -->
>>>> (93
>>>> bytes) (field context:)
>>>> --> (145 bytes)
>>>> (field message:)
>>>> --> (112 bytes)
>>>> (field jaxbObject:)
>>>> --> com.genius.crm.sf.jaxwsstub.QueryAll_at_0x7f07478da528 (24 bytes)
>>>> com.genius.crm.sf.conn.ConnectionImpl is my own wrapper around the
>>>> JAX-WS-generated binding (the $Proxy50 object).
>>>> It looks like the binding is holding on to too much data about the
>>>> last request that was performed on it. (If you doubt the idle-ness of
>>>> the app, this particular connection object was in the connection pool,
>>>> so you may be doubly confident that this one was not in use.)
>>>> I'm happy to enable extra logging, etc to help track this down. Memory
>>>> usage is currently the #1 bottleneck facing this app.
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