TranslatedConfigView and MasterPassword

From: Bhakti Mehta <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 12:38:00 -0700

Hi all,
I need to use org.glassfish.internal.api.MasterPassword which is in
in TranslatedConfigView which is in config-api.

like this
internal-api depends on config-api so
I have moved MasterPassword to common-util so that there is no cyclic
dependency between config-api and internal-api.

However how do I access the contract without using
Globals.getDefaultHabitat() because Globals is also in internal api so I
cannot use that.

One option I was trying to experiment is make the TranslatedConfigView a
@Service and then use @Inject.
Do you see issues with this,

Please can you let me know.