needed: script location in workspace for multicast test

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 10:34:37 -0400


One of the deliverables for GMS is a tool for testing that multicast
is working on the subnet where a cluster will run. I've implemented
this as a tool inside shoal-gms-impl.jar, so we don't need to add
another jar to the modules dir. But I do need to add the script/batch
file to the workspace somewhere for running the tool.

I was thinking of adding a new module v3/cluster/cluster-scripts to
hold these (similar to v3/extras/upgrade/upgrade-scripts). Any

Before you ask:
1) Why can't the scripts be in the shoal workspace? They're specific
to GF, as in having a reference to $AS_INSTALL/modules/shoal-gms-
impl.jar. So they could be in the shoal workspace, but they wouldn't
make any sense there.
2) Why not v3/cluster/gms-scripts? I don't feel strongly about this,
but the one script I want to add now is specifically for testing if
multicast is available. While GMS relies on multicast, there's nothing
about multicast that is gms-specific.
3) What's the script called? I was thinking mcastvalidator[.bat]. Am
open to suggestions of course.
