Re: Cluster tests are added to QL

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 19:38:54 -0700

The java code is looking for either an env variable ==or== a system
property. So you could completely get rid of the env. variable and use
"-D" system props if you wanted.

FYI: (notice that the variable does not have to be set to anything ---
it just needs to exist)

         if(Utility.getEnvOrProp("ENABLE_REPLICATION")!=null) {
             doReplication =
         if(Utility.getEnvOrProp("ENABLE_REPLICATION")!=null) {
             doReplication =
Time: 232875 msec

On 7/2/2010 7:28 PM, Jane Young wrote:
> This is not about Hudson job. It's inconvenient for people building
> and running QL tests to unset and set an environment variable.
> Ming Zhang wrote:
>> Is start-domain the only place need this env variable? I thought
>> deployment and other commands need them as well.
>> Meanwhile, how about do following steps on hudson shell:
>> build v3.1
>> ...
>> run QL
>> This reflects the current state of v3.1 better since it needs
>> ENABLE_REPLICATION=true. In the future, when this variable is not
>> needed, the above 3 lines can be taken off.
>> Ming
>> On 7/2/2010 6:17 PM, Tom Mueller wrote:
>>> If you're running start-domain from an ant script, you can do this:
>>> <exec executable="${ASADMIN}" failonerror="true">
>>> <arg line="start-domain"/>
>>> <env key="ENABLE_REPLICATION" value="true"/>
>>> </exec>
>>> Tom
>>> On 7/2/2010 8:14 PM, Ming Zhang wrote:
>>>> This env variable is not needed by QL but needed by v3.1 running
>>>> under cluster env. I don't see a way to let QL pass down the env to
>>>> v3.1. Can someone share some thoughts?
>>>> I am also curious how a env variable can cause a build failure.
>>>> Ming
>>>> On 7/2/2010 5:56 PM, Jane Young wrote:
>>>>> Setting this environment will cause the build to fail in
>>>>> orb/orb-connector. See build output below.
>>>>> This is not convenient... to run QL you need to set
>>>>> ENABLE_REPLICATION=true in the environment.
>>>>> To build, you need to unset it. Is it possible to set this
>>>>> environment in the QL test?
>>>>> build output:
>>>>> [INFO] Compiling 4 source files to
>>>>> /export/GlassFish/Jun18/v3/orb/orb-connector/target/test-classes
>>>>> [INFO] [surefire:test {execution: default-test}]
>>>>> [INFO] Surefire report directory:
>>>>> /export/GlassFish/Jun18/v3/orb/orb-connector/target/surefire-reports
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> T E S T S
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Running org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.ListIiopListenersTest
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:16 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:16 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:16 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:16 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Tests run: 4, Failures: 4, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed:
>>>>> 0.511 sec <<< FAILURE!
>>>>> Running org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.CreateIiopListenerTest
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Tests run: 6, Failures: 6, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed:
>>>>> 0.135 sec <<< FAILURE!
>>>>> Running org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.DeleteIiopListenerTest
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Jul 2, 2010 5:50:17 PM
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl doCommand
>>>>> SEVERE: null
>>>>> Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed:
>>>>> 0.007 sec <<< FAILURE!
>>>>> Running org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.TestDocument
>>>>> Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1, Time elapsed:
>>>>> 0.001 sec
>>>>> Results :
>>>>> Failed tests:
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessListOriginal(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.ListIiopListenersTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessValidTargetOperand(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.ListIiopListenersTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessListListener(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.ListIiopListenersTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessListNoListener(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.ListIiopListenersTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccess(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.CreateIiopListenerTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessDefaultValues(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.CreateIiopListenerTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessNoValueOptionEnabled(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.CreateIiopListenerTest)
>>>>> testExecuteFailDuplicateListener(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.CreateIiopListenerTest)
>>>>> testExecuteFailForSamePortAndListenerAddress(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.CreateIiopListenerTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessNoValueOptionSecurityEnabled(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.CreateIiopListenerTest)
>>>>> testExecuteSuccessDefaultTarget(org.glassfish.orb.admin.cli.DeleteIiopListenerTest)
>>>>> Tests run: 13, Failures: 11, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO] There are test failures.
>>>>> Ming Zhang wrote:
>>>>>> I have just added cluster tests to QL. As of m2, the 3.1 requires
>>>>>> to set environment variable:
>>>>>> The cluster tests are now running under the default QL profile
>>>>>> against glassfish distribution. To run the cluster tests alone,
>>>>>> you can do:
>>>>>> ant -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} all_cluster
>>>>>> at quicklook top level.
>>>>>> I have updated the quicklook doc
>>>>>> (quicklook/QuickLook_Test_Instructions.html) for these info.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Ming
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Byron Nevins  -  Oracle Corporation
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188