Re: _at_ConfiguredBy implemented?

From: Chris Kasso <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 15:33:01 -0700

My module is installed under the modules/ directory (and the command
defined by that module works in asadmin). But I'm not sure how to
access the configbean from within the command.

The scenario is pretty simple. implements AdminCommand
and injects:

    FooConfig config;

FooConfig is a basic configbean:

public interface FooConfig extends ConfigBeanProxy, Injectable,
PropertyBag {...}

But running the command generates:

Unsatisfied dependency exception :

inject com.sun.glassfish.dasrecovery.FooConfig
com.sun.glassfish.dasrecovery.FooCommand.config in component
Unsatisfied dependency exception :

Note that in the implementation I'm not injecting Config because
FooConfig is not a child of <config>. It is a peer to <config>.

Somewhat related question: If I wanted <foo-config> to be a child of
<config> in domain.xml how does one do that given Foo is a plugin to GF
(let's pretend I can't modify to add the FooConfig accessor


Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> On 7/1/10 12:23 PM, Justin Lee wrote:
>> grizzly-config defines a number of such beans that live neither in
>> that package nor in the glassfish tree and I'm not using
>> @ConifiguredBy either. The commands that manipulate the domain.xml
>> do but only because grizzly itself doesn't use asadmin. I don't know
>> that you really need @ConfiguredBy at all unless you're doing
>> something really exotic. You should just be able to bundle them as
>> an osgi bundle and drop it into glassfish.
> correct, as long as your module can depend on HK2, you can define new
> configbeans in your module outside of GlassFish.
> JRuby/Rails also does it and it developed outside the GF repo:
> see
> Our REST admin backend can discover these configbeans via HK2, if the
> module is installed under modules/ directory.
> Ludo
>> On 7/1/10 3:14 PM, Chris Kasso wrote:
>>> I am developing a module that will *not* be included in the open source
>>> edition of GlassFish. The module introduces some new commands as
>>> well as some config to be maintained in the domain.xml. The
>>> class/interface
>>> which implements the ConfigBeanProxy will not live in the
>>> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans package.
>>> The little bit of documentation I found implies I can use @ConfiguredBy
>>> to point to the class that provides the configuration for the
>>> configuration consumer. But when I inject the config I'm seeing
>>> an org.jvnet.hk2.component.UnsatisfiedDependencyException.
>>> Looking at the HK2 docs for @ConfiguredBy:
>>> there is a comment: ``TODO: still a work in progress''
>>> This suggests @ConfiguredBy is not fully baked.
>>> I've not been able to find any working examples either.
>>> Should I be going down this path or is there a different approach I
>>> should
>>> consider (e.g. ship the config bean as part of
>>> com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans)?
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