Hong remembered that our JSR-88 implementation consumes the XML format.
Jason, there are some deployment devtests that exercise JSR-88
(basically, callable deployment). Those tests took 23 minutes on my
system the last time I ran them (earlier today). Maybe you could
update your appserv-tests/devtests/deployment area, start the server,
then cd appserv-tests/devtests/deployment and use
ant all
to make sure all seems well?
- Tim
On Jul 8, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> On 7/8/10 12:47 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> The changes look good but I am wondering if there are impacts on
>> the client side. For instance, who is using the XML or Json reports
>> on the client side.
> My understanding so far is that only REST uses these reporters...
> Otherwise, whomever is using them, speak up now.
>> do they need to know about the new format ?
> They would anyway not use the props so far, since they were empty...
> Ludo
>> On 7/8/10 11:24 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
>>> The Admin Console has a request to be able to manipulate
>>> properties for a given ConfigBean in bulk (i.e., set 137
>>> properties with one request). To do this, I need to extend the
>>> XmlActionReporter and JsonActionReporter objects to encode nested
>>> Lists and Maps in the MessageParts' properties attribute. I have
>>> attached three items: the diff of the changes, a simple Java class
>>> that exercises the changes, and the (formatted) sample output.
>>> I've made the changes on the REST side, but I need to commit these
>>> changes before the code (including unit tests!:) in the REST
>>> module can be committed.
>>> I would appreciate a review from someone familiar with this part
>>> of the system (and with the...authority to approve the commit).
>>> This is a big blocker for milestone 3 for the console.
>>> Many thanks!
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Tim Quinn | Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.847.604.9475
Oracle GlassFish Engineering
Lake Forest, IL