Re: Example of support for --target option?

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 13:31:12 -0700


Your wish is my command -- checkin attached

Note: I'm thinking of changing isCluster and isServer as follows.
Comments? Useful?

Cluster isCluster() --> returns null if this is not a cluster
otherwise it returns the same object "cast" to a Cluster

Server isServer() --> returns null if this is not a Server otherwise it
returns the same object "cast" to a Server

Then instead of:

     Cluster clu = (Cluster) rc; // guaranteed safe cast
else if(rc.isServer())
     Server serv = (Server) rc;


Cluster clu = rc.isCluster();
Server serv = rc.isServer();

if(clu != null)

On 6/3/2010 12:37 PM, Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Can you send a pointer to Byron's checkin?
> thanks,
> -marina

attached mail follows: