Re: Obtaining DAS status

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 11:11:25 -0700
(1) look at number)

That won't tell you if it really is DAS but well tell you if the port is in use.

(2) To absolutely positively confirm that it is a DAS (not an instance) and it is the CORRECT DAS -- AND if you happen to be on the same machine as DAS

call the remote command named "__locations".  All V3+ servers will return their root directory.  Compare with the directory you are expecting.  That's how you can tell if it's the "wrong" DAS or if it's an instance

(3) If you are not on the same machine you can't use (2) to confirm but you can still use it to confirm that you are talking to some sort of V3 server and then look for the domain name of interest in the path it returns.

(4) Recommended.  You can write a new RemoteCommand -- say "Identify" and have it return a simple string like:  "DAS, domain1"  or "INSTANCE, in1".  THis would be generally useful and trivial to implement (make a copy of UptimeCommand and modify)

How to call these remote commands?

Look in [admin/cli]  com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.LocalServerCommand.isThisServer()

On 6/3/2010 3:05 AM, Yamini K B wrote:

I'm trying to find out what is the simplest way to check/get the status of DAS? I saw ListDomainsCommand's getStatus() method but the comment from Kedar says it needs to be redone. The comment itself is quite old (2008) so I guess things must've changed now.

It would help if I can get some pointers on which class(es) to look at.

Um, what are you trying to accomplish?  What kind of status are you
looking for and what are you going to do with the results?

I just need to know if DAS running/not running. This is needed for the backup commands (currently the code for this is commented out):

   private boolean isNotRunning() throws CommandValidationException {
        // TODO no status available in V3 yet.

        return true;
        try {
            ClientPluggableFeatureFactory   cpff  = getFeatureFactory();
            DomainsManager                  dm    = cpff.getDomainsManager();
            DomainConfig                    dc    = getDomainConfig(domainName);
            InstancesManager                im    = dm.getInstancesManager(dc);
            final int                       state = im.getInstanceStatus();

            return state == Status.kInstanceNotRunningCode;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new CommandValidationException(e);


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Byron Nevins  -  Oracle Corporation
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188