Re: Obtaining DAS status

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 10:58:41 -0700

Yamini K B wrote on 06/03/2010 03:05 AM:
>>> I'm trying to find out what is the simplest way to check/get the
>>> status of DAS? I saw ListDomainsCommand's getStatus() method but the
>>> comment from Kedar says it needs to be redone. The comment itself is
>>> quite old (2008) so I guess things must've changed now.
>>> It would help if I can get some pointers on which class(es) to look at.
>> Um, what are you trying to accomplish? What kind of status are you
>> looking for and what are you going to do with the results?
> I just need to know if DAS running/not running. This is needed for the
> backup commands (currently the code for this is commented out):

There's two methods in DASUtils, pick the appropriate one based on
what you're trying to do.