Re: [arch] add a new asadmin redeploy option or reuse existing one for the new EJB feature?

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 16:12:09 -0700

On 6/28/10 3:32 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> Hong Zhang wrote on 06/28/10 07:42 AM:
>> Hi,
>> I want to follow up on this thread to make sure everyone is on the same
>> page before starting to implement this.
>> 1. We will add keepState as a command line option with a single boolean
>> value (applies to all module types).
> For consistency with other command line options, it should be documented
> as "--keepstate" (all lower case).
>> 2. What should be the default value of this keepState option? False or
>> null? Shingwai had the concern that if the default value is false, the
>> container will not know if it's explicitly set to false by the user or
>> it's the default value. Any thoughts on this? Any potential issue of
>> having this option default value as null?
> I'm a little nervous about assuming that these boolean options are
> actually tri-state values - null/false/true. But, I believed we've
> used this elsewhere, and it does solve the problem of allowing the
> CLI to override the deployment descriptor if the option is specified
> explicitly.

 From the GUI point of view, a boolean is either true or false.
Think about a checkbox in the re-deploy screen. I can only pass in a
'true' if the box is checked, or 'false' if the box is unchecked.
When the redeploy screen shows up, the box will be unchecked, when
user press 'redeploy button', GUI will pass in a 'false' for this option.
Hope thats what you expected.


>> 3. The support for autodeploy/JSR88. In the asarch review of the
>> deployment one pager, we talked about it will be too much work to
>> support every single command line option in the deployment descriptors
>> so we will treat them case by case. Is this option worth the work to
>> support in the deployment descriptors?
> Don't know.
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