Message ids for strings in resource bundles

From: Yamini K B <Yamini.Kb_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 21:42:05 +0530

I see that we don't follow any pattern for message strings in For ex, see these strings:

UsingDefaultPort=Using default port {1} for {0}.
MutuallyExclusiveOption=CLI169 Options {0} and {1} are mutually exclusive.  You must specify one or the other but not both.
PortPrivilege=On Unix platforms, port numbers below 1024 may require special privileges.
PasswordMissing=Value for {0} was not specified.
PasswordLimit=CLI128 Value for {0} must have 8 or more characters.

Shouldn't we be using message ids for all the messages?

I'm writing these dev tests where I want to parse the command output/error for negative test cases. If message ids are used, it won't break the test if the message string changed tomorrow.

Any comments?
