Re: svn checkout trouble

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 23:52:37 -0700

Actually the error i got was slightly different:
It always say:
svn: REPORT of '/svn/glassfish-svn/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read
chunk delimiter: Secure connection truncated (

Anissa Lam wrote:
> I started seeing this today also. I have to do 'svn update' 4 times
> in order to completely checkout the v3 workspace. Exact same error as
> Bobby get.
> I have a script that checkout an entire workspace and start the build
> while i walked away. I can no longer do that.
> Any others seeing the same ?
> I am using svn, version 1.6.11 (r934486)
> compiled Apr 20 2010, 17:01:38
> thanks
> Anissa.
> Bobby Bissett wrote:
>> Should it take this much work to check out GF?
>> hostname% history
>> 273 svn checkout
>> 274 svn checkout
>> 275 svn checkout
>> 276 pwd
>> 277 cd v3
>> 278 history
>> 279 pwd
>> 280 svn up
>> 281 svn up
>> 282 svn up
>> 283 svn up
>> 284 ls
>> 285 svn up
>> 286 svn up
>> 287 svn up
>> 288 svn up
>> Each of the 11 svn commands above ended with "Could not read chunk
>> delimiter: Connection reset by peer (" until
>> the last one completed successfully.
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