Re: Example of support for --target option?

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 16:52:19 -0700


I'm trying to follow the wiki, but the result doesn't compile:

[INFO] Compiling 15 source files to
annotation values must be of the form 'name=value'


Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>> 1. Does command replication mean that a) it can be executed against
>> any type of target,
> Yes.
>> or b) that if it is executed, it is repeated automatically on all
>> instances in a cluster?
> The replication framework will look at the target type, ensure that
> the target type is supported by the command being executed, executes
> the command on DAS. If execution on DAS succeeds AND the command's
> @Cluster has RuntimeType.INSTANCE AND the target type indicates to the
> framework that the command should replicated on instances (typically
> target types which are config type, stand alone server type, cluster
> type), then the command is replicated. If the target type is stand
> alone server, the replication happens only on that instance. If it is
> cluster it happens on all instances that are part of that cluster.
>> 2. You point to 'create-custom-resource' CLI that can be executed not
>> only on an instance or a cluster, but also on a server or a domain.
>> What do the last 2 choices mean?
> server = the string 'server' without the quotes = DAS
> domain = the string 'domain' without the quotes = target is only the
> domain
> To my knowledge, not many commands support domain target type. A vast
> majority of the commands support config, 'server', cluster and stand
> alone server as target types. More info on this will be added to the
> target type section
> <>
> in the wiki.
> Vijay
>> 3. Please add a link to an example of correct implementation of a CLI
>> that does correct processing for the --target value.
>> thanks,
>> -marina
>> Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
>>> I have updated the wiki
>>> <>
>>> with more info, pointers to code samples, added section with answers
>>> to FAQ etc
>>> Let me know if you would like to see more info
>>> Vijay