Re: Slow Startup time for Glassfish and asadmin on Mac

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 20:42:30 -0700

On 6/14/10 8:29 PM, Byron Nevins wrote:
> I don't have a Mac. Run a simple java program on your Mac --
> Note that AFAIK the code is > 3 years old and has been tested
> constantly -- every start-domain exercises it.
Maybe the new Oracle Network setup or vpn setup now triggers the slow
call -sometimes-?
I got this very slow startup while in France on the Sun SWAN network a
few weeks ago, doing internal demos...I blamed it on the network
setup...For sure, it is not easy to reproduce, so thanks for the simple
test. If it is this call, we might have to find a workaround to this call.
> Every asadmin command runs this code too.