GlassFish developer scripts

From: Yamini K B <Yamini.Kb_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2010 10:48:42 +0530

I would like to share some scripts which I'm sure would help those who are new to GlassFish development.

When I first started trying out changes to the code, I used to forget to copy the built jar into the installation modules folder at times and would end up wasting a lot of time in trying to figure out what went wrong. And then, I started to link the concerned jars. However, whenever I updated and built the complete workspace (which I do almost everyday), I had to erase the exiting installation and unzip the distribution again which I found very annoying.

Unfortunately, Justin's scripts (see mail thread here) didn't work for me, so I wrote my own scripts.

1. My first attempt was a simple script to parse 'svn update' output to identify changed modules and copy the updated jars into the installation folder. This script requires some pre-steps. (I don't actually use this script anymore!)
2. My next script creates links only for specific module jar(s)
3. After that, I went a step further and thought why not link all jars.

So now, my installation is always up to date no matter how many times I update/build my workspace or modules :)
