Re: REST API and slashes in resource names

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 09:24:58 +0200

On May 28, 2010, at 11:41 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> What about Andreas' {jndi/foo} suggestion? If we were on git with its
>> easy, lightweight local branches, I'd try that approach as well. As
>> it
>> is, I'll wait for feedback. :)
> No git, hg is the way of the future! :-)

Where is HgHub? :-)

> I don't see how "{jndi/foo}" solves the original problem.
> Doesn't that just look like two elements in the URL name -
> "{jndi" and "foo}"?

And '{' and '}' are not legal characters in URIs so they would need
to be percent encoded.
