Re: DTD name changes and the DOCTYPE

From: vince kraemer <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 23:45:07 -0700


So, it looks like you are saying the glassfish-FOO_X_Y-Z.dtd files should...

1. have file names that end with "-0.dtd" for the planned GlassFish
Server 3.1 release regardless of whether they are 'just copies of
sun-FOO_X_Y-Z.dtd' or are copies of sun-FOO_X_Y-Z.dtd that have been
modified, AND
2. the doctype info in those dtd files should look something like this:

<!DOCTYPE glassfish-FOO PUBLIC "-// GlassFish
Application Server 3.1 FOO X.Y//EN"

Is that a correct assessment of what you have concluded?


Bill Shannon wrote:
> Hong Zhang wrote on 05/28/2010 06:01 PM:
>>> The tools, for instance, absolutely should not be generating
>>> descriptors
>>> that match these new DTDs by default. Use the old DTDs, they still
>>> work.
>> But if we want to encourage users to start using the new
>> glassfish-*.dtd and move away from the sun-*.dtd, the tools probably
>> should use the recommended set of the dtds? Also if there are new
>> elements introduced in 3.1, the tools want to make them available to
>> the users too?
> Yes, after we finalize them.
>>> If you need to use the new DTDs, expect them to change until the
>>> code is
>>> frozen.
>> Yes, agreed. There is always chance of them changing between now to
>> code freeze.
>> What about we use "-1" at the end for all the glassfish-*.dtd? The
>> contents could still change, but there will be less chance for
>> incompatible changes when adding new elements, and we could make
>> things a little easier for the tools.
> I don't see how using "-1" for all of them makes any difference.
> It doesn't reduce, or increase, the likelihood of incompatible changes.
> And I don't see how it makes it any easier for tools.
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