DTD name changes and the DOCTYPE

From: Vince Kraemer <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 09:22:58 -0700


This is a nit...

I have noticed that most of the renamed sun-*.dtd files have doctype
info that reads sort of like this

<!DOCTYPE glassfish-FOO PUBLIC "-// GlassFish
Application Server 3.0 FOO X.Y//EN"

I was a bit surprised.

I had kind of expected the doctype info to say something like

<!DOCTYPE glassfish-FOO PUBLIC "-// GlassFish
Application Server 3.1 FOO X.Y//EN"

Are these 'new dtds' going to become acceptable to GlassFish Application
Server 3.0?

How and when will that happen?

I have also noticed that in some cases, more than 1 'type' of file's dtd
is getting transformed into a glassfish-*.dtd.

See glassfish-ejb-jar_3_1-0.dtd and glassfish-ejb-jar_3_1-1.dtd AND
glassfish-resources_1_4.dtd and glassfish-resources_1_5.dtd

Are we doing more work than we need to in these two situations?
