Anissa Lam wrote on 05/27/2010 02:07 PM:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote on 05/27/2010 01:39 AM:
>>> but at the same time we do want to allow RESTful
>>> monitoring/management, so should
>>> http://hostname:adminport/ simply redirect to
>>> http://hostname:adminport/management/domain ?
>> Using REST to change the configuration of an instance is just going to
>> lead to trouble. I'm inclined to prevent it, or at least make it
>> difficult.
> I don't quite get this. Admin Console supports multiple configurations
> which means any cluster or stand alone instances can change the
> configuration through the console. Console will be using the REST API
> to accomplish this. And you are saying to prevent or make it
> difficult to use REST to change the configuration ? What will you
> expect the GUI to depend on then ?
The console will use the REST API *on the DAS* to change the configuration
information *on the DAS*.
I don't want anything changing the configuration information on an instance
(which is just a cache of the information from the DAS) because it would
immediately become out of sync with the DAS.