Re: admin console in DAS only?

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 14:07:02 -0700

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote on 05/27/2010 01:39 AM:
>> but at the same time we do want to allow RESTful
>> monitoring/management, so should
>> http://hostname:adminport/ simply redirect to
>> http://hostname:adminport/management/domain ?
> Using REST to change the configuration of an instance is just going to
> lead to trouble. I'm inclined to prevent it, or at least make it
> difficult.
I don't quite get this. Admin Console supports multiple configurations
which means any cluster or stand alone instances can change the
configuration through the console. Console will be using the REST API
to accomplish this. And you are saying to prevent or make it
difficult to use REST to change the configuration ? What will you
expect the GUI to depend on then ?

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