Re: Debugging Glassfish itself

From: Jennifer Chou <>
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 17:56:15 +0100

On 5/4/2010 5:52 PM, Stijn de Witt wrote:
> Thanks Lee and Sudarsan!
> The issue I have is that my JDBCRealm setup seems Ok (I see realm
> being loaded) but I am unable to login. I have manually inserted a
> username and password in the DB (and set digest to none) but still it
> will not let me in with those credentials. The error messages are
> really vague (basically it just throws generic LoginException) so that
> is why I wanted to debug.
> Lee, I am using Eclipse and an excellent Eclipse plugin for Glassfish
> so I can launch Glassfish from Eclipse... But maybe I should try to
> start it from the commandline instead to be able to debug?
You can also add debug-enabled="true" in domain.xml instead of using
start-domain --debug.
<java-config debug-enabled="true" debug-options="-Xdebug
> I am going to try out your suggestions right away and will let you
> know how it worked out! Thanks for your quick replies!
> -Stijn
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Justin Lee" <>
> To: <>
> Cc: "Stijn de Witt" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 6:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Debugging Glassfish itself
>> Edit domain.xml and look for "suspend=n". Change that to 'y'. Start
>> glassfish in a debug VM (pass --debug to start-domain). Using your
>> IDE debugger, attach to a remote process with 9009. The VM will
>> pause until you attach with a debugger but then all your breakpoints
>> should work just fine.
>> Now your IDE may support glassfish natively (netbeans does, iirc) but
>> this is portable across IDEs at least and will get you started.
>> On 5/4/10 12:26 PM, Stijn de Witt wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Does anyone here know how to debug Glassfish itself?
>>> I am having trouble setting up a JDBCRealm so I would like to attach
>>> a debugger to a running Glassfish server, tell the debugger where
>>> the source is and then set a breakpoint in the JDBCRealm and
>>> JDBCLoginModule classes so I can figure out what is happening.
>>> I am using Glassfish v3 and have already downloaded the source code
>>> from the SVN repository at
>>> described here:
>>> I would prefer to debug using Eclipse, but I'm willing to switch to
>>> Netbeans or any other IDE, so if you have instructions for some
>>> other IDE no problem.
>>> I have already asked this question on the Users list, but nobody
>>> there seemed to know how to do it. I also couldn't find anything on
>>> the net, most people are describing how to debug apps running inside
>>> Glassfish, but not how to debug Glassfish itself.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help! With kind regards,
>>> -Stijn
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