Re: Debugging Glassfish itself

From: Sudarsan Sridhar <Sudarsan.Sridhar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 22:01:05 +0530

Hi Stijn,

You would have to start the server with --debug option and attach a debugger to the port 9009.

What is the issue that you are seeing. We may be able to help you without the trouble of debugging the code.


On 04-May-2010, at 9:56 PM, Stijn de Witt wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone here know how to debug Glassfish itself?
> I am having trouble setting up a JDBCRealm so I would like to attach a debugger to a running Glassfish server, tell the debugger where the source is and then set a breakpoint in the JDBCRealm and JDBCLoginModule classes so I can figure out what is happening.
> I am using Glassfish v3 and have already downloaded the source code from the SVN repository at
> described here:
> I would prefer to debug using Eclipse, but I'm willing to switch to Netbeans or any other IDE, so if you have instructions for some other IDE no problem.
> I have already asked this question on the Users list, but nobody there seemed to know how to do it. I also couldn't find anything on the net, most people are describing how to debug apps running inside Glassfish, but not how to debug Glassfish itself.
> Thanks in advance for any help! With kind regards,
> -Stijn