Re: How can I get IP&Port info of all Server Instances in run time?

From: Zhu OUYANG <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 13:35:11 +0800

Hi, Sahoo:

Thx for your reply, I found my previous mail title was misleading, sorry for

I could invoke the EJB from one container to another. But my problem is I
need to know the IP&Port of running server instances in run time.
Currently, I can not find such info in Glassfish's JMX run time. So I want
to ask how can I get IP&Port info of all server instance in run time? Thx

2010/1/14 Sahoo <>

> You should be able to set appropriate JNDI provider in JNDI configuration
> properties and pass it on to create an InitialContext object which you can
> then use to look up the EJB and invoke it as if you are calling the EJB from
> an application client. Search for documents that shows how to connect to
> GlassFish from standalone Java applications.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Zhu OUYANG wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm investigating migrate our product from Weblogic to Glassfish. As we
>> have some app deployed on Admin Server (which should be DAS in glassfish,
>> and yes, I know is not a good way, but things out of my control), it need to
>> invoke some EJB deployed on managed server (which is service instance in
>> glassfish), is there any way to do this?
>> Previously on Weblogic, we could get the IP&Port info from JMX, and use
>> its t3 protocol to invoke, the most important thing here is we could get the
>> IP&Port form Weblgoic JMX. But I can NOT find such info in glassfish's JMX,
>> is the IP&Port info really not there? Or is there any work around to achieve
>> my target?
>> Any suggestion/clue is appreciated, thx ~~
>> BR//Stico
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