How to invoke EJB deployed on Server Instance from DAS?

From: Zhu OUYANG <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 14:55:07 +0800


I'm investigating migrate our product from Weblogic to Glassfish. As we have
some app deployed on Admin Server (which should be DAS in glassfish, and
yes, I know is not a good way, but things out of my control), it need to
invoke some EJB deployed on managed server (which is service instance in
glassfish), is there any way to do this?

Previously on Weblogic, we could get the IP&Port info from JMX, and use its
t3 protocol to invoke, the most important thing here is we could get the
IP&Port form Weblgoic JMX. But I can NOT find such info in glassfish's JMX,
is the IP&Port info really not there? Or is there any work around to achieve
my target?

Any suggestion/clue is appreciated, thx ~~
