Re: Sending JMS messages between systems doesn't work any more

From: Kim Haase <Camilla.Haase_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 13:04:10 -0500

Many thanks, Nigel. It looks as if the problem is with GlassFish, not MQ
  -- see below.

On 12/03/09 12:05, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> Kim,
> Kim Haase wrote:
>> On 12/03/09 06:20, Nigel Deakin wrote:
>>> Kim,
>>> Kim Haase wrote:
>>>> JMS applications that send messages from one system to another
>>>> stopped working for me in b73 and also fail in b74. They worked in
>>>> earlier builds -- I think I last tested them around b69.
>>>> Several examples in the Java EE Tutorial are based on sending JMS
>>>> messages between systems, so this is an issue for docs.
>>>> For a number of releases, the way to enable the sending of messages
>>>> to a remote system has been to create a JMS connection factory
>>>> resource whose AddressList property is set to the name of the remote
>>>> system. (The connector connection pool, therefore, has its
>>>> AddressList property set to this value.)
>>>> Now, when I try to send messages to the remote system, I get the
>>>> following error over and over:
>>>> WARNING: [C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation
>>>> [jdench:7676]. - cause: Connection
>>>> refused: connect
>>>> Dec 2, 2009 11:31:55 AM
>>>> com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ExceptionHandler
>>>> throwConnectionException
>>> This means it is trying to connect to a MQ broker running on machine
>>> jdench on port 7676, and it is getting no response, perhaps because
>>> the broker isn't running or it is using a different port.
>>> Can you connect to it using other tools on your windows machine, such
>>> as imqcmd (which is in the mq/bin directory of a Glassfish V3
>>> installation)?
>>> For example this command lists the destinations on the broker:
>>> imqcmd list dst -b jdench:7676
>>> (it will prompt for user and password: typically admin/admin)
>> Thanks, Nigel. The broker is running on jdench at port 7676 -- these
>> are the server log messages on jdench, which look the way they always do:
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:12:59.008-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0||_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|JTS5014:
>> Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = [3700]|#]
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:13:03.745-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0|com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.system.ActiveJmsResourceAdapter|_ThreadID=32;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|JMS
>> Service Connection URL is :mq://localhost:7676/|#]
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:13:03.878-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0|org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.DefaultTraversableResolver|_ThreadID=32;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Instantiated
>> an instance of
>> org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver.|#]
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:13:04.170-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.lifecycle|_ThreadID=32;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|MQJMSRA_RA1101:
>> SJSMQ JMS Resource Adapter starting: DIRECT|#]
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:13:14.151-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.lifecycle|_ThreadID=32;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|MQJMSRA_RA1101:
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:13:20.619-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.outbound.connection|_ThreadID=30;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|MQJMSRA_MF1101:
>> setAddressList:NOT setting default value=localhost|#]
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:13:20.633-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.outbound.connection|_ThreadID=30;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|MQJMSRA_MF1101:
>> setPassword:NOT setting default value|#]
>> [#|2009-12-03T11:13:20.634-0500|INFO|glassfishv3.0|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.outbound.connection|_ThreadID=30;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|MQJMSRA_MF1101:
>> setUserName:NOT setting default value=guest|#]
> Yes, this suggests the embedded broker has started. You could also look
> at the broker log in domains\domain1\imq\instances\imqbroker\log\log.txt
> (or similar) to confirm this.
>> I ran the imqcmd on jdench and after some experimentation I found that
>> the correct username and password were admin/admin.
> I did mention the default username and password in my previous email :-)

Sorry to have spaced out!

>> jdench 52 =>imqcmd list dst
>> Username: admin
>> Password:
>> Listing all the destinations on the broker specified by:
>> -------------------------
>> Host Primary Port
>> -------------------------
>> localhost 7676
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Name Type State Producers Consumers Msgs
>> Total Count UnAck Avg
>> Size
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> PhysicalQueue Queue RUNNING 0 1 0 0 0.0
>> mq.sys.dmq Queue RUNNING 0 0 0 0 0.0
>> Successfully listed destinations.
> Yes, so the broker is definitely working.
>> jdench 53 =>pwd
>> /home/chaase/glassfish-v3-b74/mq/bin
>> However, the imqcmd on the Windows system fails:
>> C:\Program Files\glassfish-v3-b74\mq\bin>imqcmd list dst -b jdench:7676
>> Username: admin
>> Password: admin
>> Listing all the destinations on the broker specified by:
>> ----------------------
>> Host Primary Port
>> ----------------------
>> jdench 7676
>> Dec 3, 2009 11:19:40 AM
>> com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ExceptionHandler throwConnectionException
>> WARNING: [C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation [jdench:7676].
>> - cause:
>> Connection refused: connect
>> Error while connecting to the broker on host 'jdench' and port '7676'.
>> com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException: [C4003]: Error occurred on
>> connection creation [jdench:7676]. - cause:
>> Connection refused: connect
>> Please verify that there is a broker running on the specified host and
>> port or use the '-b' option to specify the correct broker host and port.
>> Listing destinations failed.
> This eliminates your client code as the cause of the problem. It has
> found the host but received no reply on the port.
>> I notice that on Windows the password shows up in clear text, whereas
>> on Solaris it doesn't appear. Hard to believe that makes a difference,
>> though.
>> And I can still ping jdench, save files to it, etc. from my Windows
>> system.
> This is sounding like a network issue. Do you have a hardware or
> software firewall?

Not that I know of.

> You could try shutting down the Glassfish instance and instead starting
> a standalone MQ broker by running the imqbrokerd command directly, and
> seeing if you can "imqcmd list dst" it from the PC.

Without GlassFish, it works! I started the broker on jdench, and it runs
fine (had to specify -javahome to keep it from picking up some jdk 5

  jdench 59 =>./imqbrokerd -javahome /home/chaase/jdk1.6.0_17
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:11 EST]
Open Message Queue 4.4
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Version: 4.4 Update 1 (Build 7-b)
Compile: Wed Nov 18 23:21:05 PST 2009

Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is
subject to license terms.
Java Runtime: 1.6.0_17 Sun Microsystems Inc. /home/chaase/jdk1.6.0_17/jre
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST] IMQ_HOME=/home/chaase/glassfish-v3-b74/mq
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST]
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST] SunOS 5.10 sparc jdench (1 cpu) chaase
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST] Max file descriptors: 65536 (65536)
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST] Java Heap Size: max=190080k, current=190080k
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST] Arguments: -javahome /home/chaase/jdk1.6.0_17
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST] [B1060]: Loading persistent data...
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:12 EST] Using built-in file-based persistent store:
[03/Dec/2009:12:59:13 EST] [B1039]: Broker "imqbroker_at_jdench:7676" ready.

And I did an imqcmd list dst and got the system queue, as expected.

Then on Windows, imqcmd is able to list the destinations for the jdench
broker too:

C:\Program Files\glassfish-v3-b74\mq\bin>imqcmd list dst -b jdench:7676
Username: admin
Password: admin
Listing all the destinations on the broker specified by:

Host Primary Port
jdench 7676

    Name Type State Producers Consumers

                             Total Wildcard Total Wildcard Count
Remote UnAck Avg Size
mq.sys.dmq Queue RUNNING 0 - 0 - 0 0
      0 0.0

Successfully listed destinations.

So it's not MQ that's causing the problem but GlassFish apparently. What
now, I wonder?

Thanks again!!


> Nigel
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