Re: Recently updated and rebuilt trunk workspace, server won't start

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 02 Dec 2009 13:27:17 -0800

I am seeing the same thing as i updated my workspace just now.
Actually i was trying to fix a bug related to grizzly-config and see
that a new version "1.8.18-k" has been integrated.
However, I can't find that at which
grizzly-config artifact normally reside.
I asked Justin:
> Justin Lee wrote:
> if you build, maven will download it for you... I deployed to the
> glassfish repo on rator.sfbay

So, maybe this is related ? I don't know. But i certainly don't like
to look for this thing all over the net. I need the source jar.


Tim Quinn wrote:
> Hi.
> I've updated my v3 trunk workspace and rebuilt, and the server does
> not start. It starts to start (the log stops after the "INFO:
> Successfully launched in 27 msec." message).
> When I use
> asadmin start-domain --verbose
> I see the reason why: many errors caused by this:
> Caused by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint
> in bundle com.sun.grizzly.grizzly-config [95]: package;
> (&(package=com.sun.hk2.component)(version>=1.0.0))
> Is this a case of me needing to wait for a maven repository to be
> updated, or is there something more serious here?
> Is anyone else seeing this?
> - Tim
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