Re: "clean out" installed Add-ons

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 14:08:40 -0800


you cleaned up the whole top level installation directory, correct? Note
that local package database lives in hidden
<installdir>/.org.opensolaris,pkg directory so you may need to make
sure that this directory is completely gone...



Ed Burns wrote:
> I would like to "clean out" the Add-ons I have installed into my b72
> installation of the SDK. After undertaking the following steps, I get a
> dialog when I try to install Add-ons:
> Components list could not be refreshed successfully due to a network
> issue
> Package V pkg javadb-common
> is already in the catalog
> The available components list may not be accurate or complete.
> Steps to "clean out" the Add-ons.
> 1. Run the uninstaller
> ./
> 2. rm -rf the directory into which I installed b72 for the sdk.
> 3. re-install b72 of the sdk using the installer
> Can someone please tell me how to completely purge any Add-ons from my
> system?
> Thanks,
> Ed