Re: [v3] workspace now open

From: Abhijit Kumar <Abhijit.Kumar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 12:19:15 -0700

To follow up, we have reached SCF, so the workspace is open for checking
in bug fixes.

Here is a link to the list of open P1-P3 bugs in the glassfish core project.

If a bug does not apply to v3 release, please add the string v3_exclude
to the status whiteboard. I will post the bug query link to the wiki soon.



Jane Young wrote:
> The v3 workspace is now open for checkins.
> However, there is a known QL failure in amx_test in glassfish profile
> with the recent ORB integration. See: IT 9355
> ( Ken
> Cavanaugh is working on a fix. According to Lloyd this failure is
> harmless.
> Thanks,
> Jane
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