Re: FindBugs support

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 12:20:12 -0700

Don't ask me, I didn't create the maven FindBugs plugin.

I suspect they considered it to be just another "report" like all
the other reports that "mvn site" generates.

Lloyd Chambers wrote on 09/21/09 10:13:
> Bill,
> I'm confused as to why "mvn site" has any connection to FindBugs. (no
> link between the two in terminology or anything).
> Lloyd
> On Sep 11, 2009, at 4:38 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> I've just committed some changes to support running FindBugs for
>> GlassFish.
>> At the top level, or in any module, you can run
>> mvn findbugs:findbugs
>> to generate the FindBugs XML report, which is not very readable directly
>> but is used by the Hudson FindBugs plugin to generate a more readable
>> report. Hopefully Jane will be setting up Hudson to do that soon.
>> You can also run
>> mvn site
>> to generate a more readable html report that you can browse. Open the
>> target/site/findbugs.html file to browse the report.
>> I hope this will encourage everyone to run FindBugs before committing
>> changes, and to continue to clean up the existing FindBugs errors.
>> The current scheme uses an exclude file per module to exclude a very
>> small
>> number of errors reported by FindBugs. Do not modify these exclude files
>> yourself. Instead, send mail to Jagadesh and me with the details of why
>> you think your FindBugs error should be excluded. Expect the answer to
>> be "no". :-)
>> Thanks.
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> Lloyd Chambers
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