Re: FindBugs support

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 11:47:46 -0700

Hi Lloyd

"site" is another built-in lifecycle in Maven, like "clean" and
"install" which we commonly use to build v3. See:
The site lifecycle generates the projects site documentation reports
like javadoc, dependency reports etc. Bill has added FindBugs plugin in
the reporting element in v3/pom.xml which generates the FindBugs reports
when you execute "mvn site".


Lloyd Chambers wrote:
> Bill,
> I'm confused as to why "mvn site" has any connection to FindBugs. (no
> link between the two in terminology or anything).
> Lloyd
> On Sep 11, 2009, at 4:38 PM, Bill Shannon wrote: