how do I find an open issue?

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 08:14:11 -0700

I ran an open defect report and see that there are a number of issues
that look stagnant. But, I am not really sure.

Is there a way to find the issues that folks are not actively working on
at this moment?

I also wonder about how bugs should be resolved... for instance...

A users reported some stack traces in the server log, when they use a
third-party tool to deploy to v3. Since we do not have access to the
source of the tool, we cannot determine if there is a bug in the server
(which we can fix) or a bug in the tool (which is out of our control)...

So... that sounds like an incomplete issue or even an invalid issue...
but it probably should not be left open as a P3....
