Re: anonymous admin login

From: Sathyan Catari <Sathyan.Catari_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:13:11 -0700

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Sathyan Catari wrote on 09/11/09 13:02:
>> I have checked in the installer changes to take care of the
>> following. This should also make sure
>> that the installer is not broken till the time all of the changes are
>> in.
>> a). Remove "Anonymous" option from installer UI.
>> b). Default admin username field to "admin".
>> c). Change the text on the admin configuration panel to include the
>> following
>> "Please provide username and password for the server. You may leave
>> the password field empty if you
>> would like to configure the server for unauthenticated logins.". I
>> will rephrase it as fit later.
>> d). Currently password field cannot be null and installer creates
>> domain with --passwordfile.
>> Once your changes are checked in, I will take care of the following
>> a). Allow zero-length password.
>> b). create domain with --nopassword option for zero-length passwords.
> You can make these changes now.
> Note that you don't *need* to use --nopassword for zero-length passwords.
> You can create a password file with
> and it will work just fine.
Thanks for the clarification.
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