Re: Detail about glassfish

From: Shalini Muthukrishnan <Shalini.Muthukrishnan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 11:14:52 +0530

Hi Jannin,

JANNIN Christophe (CAMPUS) wrote:
> Hi ,
> I'am doing an internship for Deacthlon (belong to Oxylane Group) in
> France . The goal of my internship is
> to find an open source application server solution . I write this
> email just to
> know to ask you more technical detail about Glassfish Entreprise
> Server v2.1.
> Do Glassfish have the Fail over ?
> Do Glassfish do mapping conexion pool ?
Yes GlassFish does support using jdbc connection pools and jdbc resources.
> Do Glassfish work with MQ Serie ?
> Do glassfish have a secure connexion with database ?
> Do glassfish accept several JVM per server?
> Do Admin consol can manage connexion pool , create new connexion pool
Yes. Please refer for
details on the same.

> and also manage cluster ?
> Do admin consol manage monitoring and what kind of detail it's
> possible to have ?
> Do Glassfish have a Grid ( Oracle agent) patch ?
> We will do a proof of concept with Glassfish . I'm interesting to have
> an contact how much it will be for a technical man come and intsall
> glassfish where I work ?
> Thank you very much for your future answer
> Jannin Christophe
> Oxylane Group