HEADS up: bean-validator bug found and fixed

From: Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 11:27:28 -0700

While adding integration tests for bean-validator, I discovered that the
*.xsd files that should reside in the bean-validator.jar didn't make it
into the final product. This would cause applications that rely on an
XML mapping file to configure their validations to fail.

I have fixed this and produced a new revision of the bean-validator jar,
it is already in the maven repo <>.

  <name>Hibernate validator library and Validation API (JSR 303) repackaged as OSGi and HK2 bundle</name>

Hudson is currently in the process of promoting a build of HK2 that
depends on this artifact. When the promotion of hudson appears, I'll
update glassfishv3 to depend on it.


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