Re: master-pom question

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 17:59:15 -0700

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Jane Young wrote on 9/3/09 4:03 AM:
>> Hi Justin,
>> There was a lengthy discussion about this back in March. See:
>> Kedar created a table listing the v3 modules that require Java 5
>> Runtime:
>> As you can see the table is empty, so I assume the modules in v3 do not
>> require Java 5 Runtime thus it's safe to change the javac option in
>> master-pom/pom.xml to 1.6. However, changing this will only impact
>> modules that have <packaging>jar</packaging> set in the pom.xml (e.g.
>> v3/javaee-api/javax.annotation/).
> But still it should be changed, right?
Yes, I will change that tonight.
>> Note that not all the modules in v3 are compiled with
>> "maven-compiler-plugin". The modules that have
>> <packaging>hk2-jar</packaging> set in the pom.xml are actually compiled
>> with "hk2-maven-plugin". See:
>> The
>> goal "hk2-compile" invokes APT and it explicitly sets the -source option
>> to 1.5. See:
>> I do not know the reasons why APT is forced to 1.5.
> Is someone going to figure that out and fix it if appropriate?
Yes, me :-)
I'll pick-on Kohsuke's brain and see if he remembers why APT compiler
is forrced to 1.5.

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