Re: V3 Monitoring questions

From: Jennifer Chou <Jennifer.Chou_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 23:12:26 +0100

Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Jennifer Chou wrote:
>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> Monitoring team,
>>> I'm working on enabling ejb monitoring, which (besides call flow
>>> data) is tracked on per bean or bean method, and in v2 terms was the
>>> sub-tree of server.applications, added to is via a special registry.
>>> Q1. How do I do it in V3?
>>> Q1a. Which names would I use?
>> The names for what? Can you give an example?
> PluginPoint.XXX.
> There is (I think) some generic code in v2 that inserted
> "bean-methods" (in other monitoring items there are other strings)
> between the <app-name>.<module-name>.<bean-name> and the stringified
> method signature:
> server.applications.ejb-flush-testApp.ejb-flush-test-ejb\.jar.A2.bean-methods.create-java\.lang\.String.dotted-name
So it would be like..
PluginPoint = PluginPoint.APPLICATIONS
subTreeNode = appName + "/" moduleName + "/" + beanName +
"/bean-methods/" + methodSignature

So we can use the same v2 code to generate the dotted name so it's the
same as v2.

>>> Q2. CallFlowInfo - this type was used in v2 to pass around the data.
>>> Do I replace it with all its elements or is there a plan to move it
>>> to gmbal, so that it becomes a type that can be used outside GF
>>> source tree?
>> For this CallFlowInfo type, you need to implement ||
>> |org.glassfish.external.statistics.Statistic, and optionally
>> ||org.glassfish.external.statistics.Stats.|
> CallFlowInfo is (was?) a generic monitoring interface:
> ./common/common-util/src/main/java/com/sun/enterprise/admin/monitor/callflow/
>> Please see Sreeni's write-up,
>> for help on how to create module specific statistics.
>> Here's the link to the API which is also linked from the write-up:
>>> Q3. Can I separate @ManagedAttribute methods from @ProbeListener, so
>>> that they are in 2 different classes?
>> yes I believe you should be able to.
> Will both classes be marked as @ManagedObject?
only the one with @ManagedAttribute methods.

> thanks,
> -marina
>>> Q4. How can I pre-set which @ProbeListener (or Statistic instance)
>>> is being monitored on level LOW vs. HIGH?
You may want to check with Shalini - they are doing this for jdbc.

>>> thank you,
>>> -marina
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